00010 #include "iconboxlabel.h"
00012 IconBoxLabel::IconBoxLabel(int ix,int iy,int is,int ia,int io, int iid): Meter(ix,iy,is,is){
00013 X = ix;
00014 Y = iy;
00015 x = X - io;
00016 y = Y - io;
00017 s = is;
00018 w = 0;
00019 h = 0;
00020 if(ia == 1){
00021 align = ia;
00022 }
00023 else{
00024 align = 0;
00025 }
00026 roll = io;
00027 id = iid;
00028 iconId = 0;
00029 rightClickOver = 0;
00030 }
00032 IconBoxLabel::IconBoxLabel() : Meter(){
00033 }
00035 IconBoxLabel::~IconBoxLabel(){
00036 }
00038 void IconBoxLabel::readConfig(){
00039 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") Read theme config from: " << themeRC << endl;
00040 KSimpleConfig conf(themeRC);
00041 conf.setGroup(QString("box %1").arg(id));
00042 iconId = conf.readNumEntry("icons",0);
00043 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") " << iconId << " icon(s) in the box" << endl;
00044 if(iconId >= 1){
00045 int n = 0;
00046 for(n = 1;n <= iconId;n++){
00047 QString i = conf.readEntry(QString("icon%1").arg(n), "");
00048 QString t = conf.readEntry(QString("tip%1").arg(n), "");
00049 QString p = conf.readEntry(QString("prog%1").arg(n), "");
00050 addIcon( i, t, p );
00051 }
00052 }
00053 }
00055 void IconBoxLabel::selectIcon(){
00056 AddIconDlg* dlg = new AddIconDlg(myKaramba);
00057 dlg->m_icon->setIcon("karamba");
00058 if(dlg->exec()==QDialog::Accepted){
00059 addIcon( dlg->m_icon->icon(), dlg->m_tip->text(), dlg->m_prog->url() );
00060 writeConfig(dlg->m_icon->icon(), dlg->m_prog->url(), dlg->m_tip->text());
00062 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") " << iconId << " icon(s) in the box" << endl;
00063 }
00064 }
00066 void IconBoxLabel::writeConfig( const QString icon, const QString tip, const QString prog ){
00067 iconId++;
00068 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") Saving theme config to: " << themeRC << endl;
00069 KSimpleConfig conf(themeRC);
00070 conf.setGroup(QString("box %1").arg(id));
00071 conf.writeEntry("icons", iconId);
00072 conf.writeEntry(QString("icon%1").arg(iconId), icon);
00073 conf.writeEntry(QString("prog%1").arg(iconId), prog);
00074 conf.writeEntry(QString("tip%1").arg(iconId), tip);
00075 conf.sync();
00076 }
00078 void IconBoxLabel::addIcon( QString icon, QString tip, QString prog ){
00079 if(align == 0){
00080 x += roll ;
00081 y = Y;
00082 w += roll;
00083 h = roll;
00084 if(resizable && ((X + w) >= myKaramba->width())){
00085 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") Previous karamba width: " << myKaramba->width() << endl;
00086 myKaramba->resize(X + w, myKaramba->height());
00087 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") New karamba width: " << myKaramba->width() << endl;
00088 }
00089 }
00090 else if(align == 1){
00091 x = X;
00092 y += roll;
00093 w = roll;
00094 h += roll;
00095 if(resizable && (Y + h) >= myKaramba->height()){
00096 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") Previous karamba height: " << myKaramba->height() << endl;
00097 myKaramba->resize(myKaramba->width(), Y + h);
00098 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") New karamba height: " << myKaramba->height() << endl;
00099 }
00100 }
00101 IconLabel *i = new IconLabel(x, y, roll, roll);
00102 i->setSize( s );
00103 i->setCenter( true, roll, roll );
00104 i->setValue( icon );
00105 i->parseImages(icon, x, y, x, y, roll);
00106 i->setKaramba(myKaramba);
00107 if (!tip.isEmpty()){
00108 i->setTooltip(tip);
00109 }
00110 myKaramba->meterList->append( i );
00111 myKaramba->iconList->append( i );
00112 ClickArea *c = new ClickArea(x, y, roll, roll);
00113 c->setOnClick( prog );
00114 c->setKaramba(myKaramba);
00115 myKaramba->meterList->append( c );
00116 myKaramba->clickList->append( c );
00117 myKaramba->step();
00119 }
00121 void IconBoxLabel::removeIcon(){
00122 if(rightClickOver != 0 && KMessageBox::warningYesNo( myKaramba, tr2i18n("Are you sure that you want to remove icon %1 from box %2?").arg(rightClickOver).arg(id) ) == 3){
00123 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") Removing icon " << rightClickOver << endl;
00124 KSimpleConfig conf(themeRC);
00125 conf.setGroup(QString("box %1").arg(id));
00126 int icons = conf.readNumEntry("icons",0);
00127 if(icons >= 1){
00128 int n = 0;
00129 QStringList values;
00130 for(n = 1;n <= icons;n++){
00131 if(n != rightClickOver){
00132 QString i = conf.readEntry(QString("icon%1").arg(n), "");
00133 QString t = conf.readEntry(QString("tip%1").arg(n), "");
00134 QString p = conf.readEntry(QString("prog%1").arg(n), "");
00135 values << QString("%1\n%2\n%3").arg(i,t,p);
00136 }
00137 conf.deleteEntry(QString("icon%1").arg(n));
00138 conf.deleteEntry(QString("tip%1").arg(n));
00139 conf.deleteEntry(QString("prog%1").arg(n));
00140 }
00141 iconId = 0;
00142 conf.sync();
00143 QStringList::ConstIterator end( values.end() );
00144 for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = values.begin(); it != end; ++it ) {
00145 writeConfig((*it).section('\n',0,0), (*it).section('\n',1,1), (*it).section('\n',2,2));
00146 }
00147 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") " << iconId << " icon(s) left in " << themeRC << endl;
00148 if(align == 0){
00149 x -= roll;
00150 w -= roll;
00151 }
00152 else if(align == 1){
00153 y -= roll;
00154 h -= roll;
00155 }
00156 myKaramba->reloadConfig();
00157 }
00158 }
00159 rightClickOver = 0;
00160 }
00162 void IconBoxLabel::setKaramba(karamba* k){
00163 myKaramba = k;
00164 if(!myKaramba->ksubpop->isItemVisible(id)){
00165 myKaramba->ksubpop->insertItem( SmallIconSet("fileopen"),tr2i18n("Add an &Icon in box %1").arg(id), this, SLOT(selectIcon()), 0, id );
00166 }
00167 themeRC = myKaramba->themeFile.replace(myKaramba->themePath+"/", "")+"rc";
00168 readConfig();
00169 }
00171 void IconBoxLabel::setResizable(bool r = false){
00172 resizable = r;
00173 }
00175 void IconBoxLabel::mUpdate(QPainter* p){
00176 p->setPen(Qt::black);
00177 }
00179 void IconBoxLabel::mouseOver(QMouseEvent* e){
00180 if (QRect(X, Y, w, h).contains(e->pos())){
00181 if(align == 1){
00182 for(int i = 1; i <= iconId; i++){
00183 if (QRect(X, Y + (roll * (i-1)), roll, roll).contains(e->pos())){
00184 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") Right click on icon: " << i << endl;
00185 rightClickOver = i;
00186 if(!myKaramba->ksubpop->isItemVisible(id+100)){
00187 myKaramba->ksubpop->insertItem( SmallIconSet("quit"),tr2i18n("Remove this icon"), this, SLOT(removeIcon()), 0, id+100 );
00188 }
00189 }
00191 }
00192 }
00193 else if(align == 0){
00194 for(int i = 1; i <= iconId; i++){
00195 if (QRect(X + (roll * (i-1)), Y, roll, roll).contains(e->pos())){
00196 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") Right click on icon: " << i << endl;
00197 rightClickOver = i;
00198 if(!myKaramba->ksubpop->isItemVisible(id+100)){
00199 myKaramba->ksubpop->insertItem( SmallIconSet("quit"),tr2i18n("Remove this icon"), this, SLOT(removeIcon()), 0, id+100 );
00200 }
00201 }
00203 }
00204 }
00205 }
00206 else{
00207 rightClickOver = 0;
00208 if(myKaramba->ksubpop->isItemVisible(id+100)){
00209 myKaramba->ksubpop->removeItem(id+100);
00210 }
00211 }
00212 }
00214 void IconBoxLabel::dropEvent(QDropEvent *e){
00215 if(e->provides("text/uri-list")){
00216 e->accept( true );
00217 e->encodedData("text/uri-list");
00218 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") text/uri-list drop" << endl;
00219 QStrList lst;
00220 QString filename;
00221 QUriDrag::decode(e, lst);
00222 for ( uint i = 0; i < lst.count(); ++i ) {
00223 readDesktopFile(QDir::convertSeparators(QUriDrag::uriToLocalFile(lst.at(i))));
00224 }
00225 }
00226 else if(e->provides("application/x-qiconlist")){
00227 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") application/x-qiconlist drop" << endl;
00228 e->accept( true );
00229 QStrList lst;
00230 QString filename;
00231 QUriDrag::decode(e, lst);
00232 for ( uint i = 0; i < lst.count(); ++i ) {
00233 readDesktopFile(QDir::convertSeparators(QUriDrag::uriToLocalFile(lst.at(i))));
00234 }
00235 }
00236 else{
00237 e->ignore();
00238 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") Droped file rejected: " << e->format() << endl;
00239 }
00240 }
00242 QRect IconBoxLabel::getRectangle()
00243 {
00244 return QRect(X, Y, w, h);
00245 }
00247 void IconBoxLabel::readDesktopFile(const QString file){
00248 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << file << endl;
00249 if(KDesktopFile::isDesktopFile(file)){
00250 KDesktopFile *fp = new KDesktopFile(file);
00251 QString type = fp->readType();
00252 QString name = fp->readName();
00253 QString icon = fp->readIcon();
00254 QString app;
00255 if(type == "Application"){
00256 app = fp->readEntry("Exec", NULL);
00257 }
00258 else if(type = "Link"){
00259 app = "kfmclient exec " + fp->readURL();
00260 }
00261 addIcon(icon, name, app);
00262 writeConfig(icon, name, app);
00263 kdDebug("IconBoxLabel") << "(box "<< id << ") " << iconId << " icon(s) in the box" << endl;
00264 }
00265 }