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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002 *   Copyright (C) 2003 by Hans Karlsson                                   *
00003 *                                                      *
00004 *                                                                         *
00005 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00006 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00007 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00008 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00009 ***************************************************************************/
00010 #include "xmmssensor.h"
00012 XMMSSensor::XMMSSensor( int interval, QString encoding, int nw, int nh, karamba* k ) : Sensor( interval )
00013 {
00014      if( encoding != "" )
00015     {
00016         codec = QTextCodec::codecForName( encoding );
00017         if ( codec == 0)
00018             codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
00019     }
00020     else{
00021         codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
00022     }
00023     slotLoadConfig();
00024     w = getW( nw );
00025     h = getH( nh );
00026     current = 0;
00027     pos = 0;
00028     title = "";
00029     stitle = "";
00030     artist = "";
00031     album = "";
00032     track = "";
00033     vol = 0;
00034     currentTime = 0;
00035     setKaramba(k);
00036     connect( this,SIGNAL(songChange()), this,SLOT(slotUpValues()) );
00037     connect( myKaramba,SIGNAL(configChanged()), this,SLOT(slotLoadConfig()) );
00038 #ifdef HAVE_XMMS
00039     if(xmms_remote_is_running(0)){
00040       slotGetPos();
00041     }
00042 #endif // HAVE_XMMS
00043 }
00045 XMMSSensor::~XMMSSensor()
00046 {}
00048 int XMMSSensor::getW( int nw ){
00049   if(nw == 0){
00050     nw = defW;
00051   }
00052    return nw;
00053 }
00055 int XMMSSensor::getH( int nh ){
00056   if(nh == 0){
00057     nh = defH;
00058   }
00059   return nh;
00060 }
00062 void XMMSSensor::slotUpValues(){
00063 #ifdef HAVE_XMMS
00064     freq = 0;
00065     channel = 0;
00066     rate = 0;
00067     kdDebug("XMMS sensor") << "Song change, updating values" << endl;
00068     title = "";
00069     stitle = "";
00070     artist = "";
00071     album = "";
00072     track = "";
00073     cover = "";
00074     rcover = "";
00075     file = codec->toUnicode( QCString( xmms_remote_get_playlist_file( 0, pos ) ) ); //get the path and filename
00076     Tags* tags = new Tags( file );
00077     if(tags->isMP3() && EnableID3){ // Check if file is an mp3
00078       tags->ReadId3();
00079       stitle = tags->stitle;
00080       artist = tags->artist;
00081       album = tags->album;
00082       track = QString::number(tags->track);
00083       title = tags->title;
00084       rate = tags->rate;
00085       channel = tags->channel;
00086       freq = tags->freq;
00087     }
00088     else if(tags->isOGG() && EnableID3){ // Check if file is an ogg
00089       tags->ReadVorbis();
00090       stitle = tags->stitle;
00091       artist = tags->artist;
00092       album = tags->album;
00093       track = QString::number(tags->track);
00094       title = tags->title;
00095       rate = tags->rate;
00096       int tmpfreq;
00097       xmms_remote_get_info(0, &rate, &tmpfreq, &channel);
00098       freq = ((QString::number(tmpfreq).toDouble())/1000);
00099     }
00100     if( title == "" ){
00101       kdDebug("XMMS sensor") << "Getting tags from XMMS" << endl;
00102       title = codec->toUnicode( QCString( xmms_remote_get_playlist_title( 0, pos ) ) );
00103       ConfigFile* xmmsConf = xmms_cfg_open_default_file();
00104       gchar* pat;
00105       xmms_cfg_read_string(xmmsConf, "xmms", "generic_title_format", &pat);
00106       title = tags->upFirst(title);
00107       QString pattern = pat;
00108       int c = pattern.contains("-");
00109         kdDebug("XMMS sensor") << pattern << endl;
00110         int n = 0;
00111       while(n != c){
00112         QString sec = pattern.section("-", n, n).stripWhiteSpace();
00113         kdDebug("XMMS sensor") << sec << endl;
00114         if(sec == "%n"){
00115                 track = title.section("-", n, n).stripWhiteSpace();
00116         }
00117         else if(sec == "%p"){
00118                 artist = title.section("-", n, n).stripWhiteSpace();
00119         }
00120         else if(sec == "%t"){
00121                 stitle = title.section("-", n, n).stripWhiteSpace();
00122         }
00123         else if(sec == "%a"){
00124                 album = title.section("-", n, n).stripWhiteSpace();
00125         }
00126         n++;
00127       }
00128       tags->setInfos(track.toInt(), artist, stitle, album, QString::null, 0, QString::null);
00129       if(SaveID3 && QFileInfo(file).isWritable()){ // Check if Karamba can write tags
00130         if(tags->isMP3()){ // Check if file is an mp3
00131           tags->WriteId3();
00132         }
00133         if(tags->isOGG()){ // Check if file is an ogg
00134           tags->WriteVorbis();
00135         }
00136       }
00137       int tmpfreq;
00138       xmms_remote_get_info(0, &rate, &tmpfreq, &channel);
00139       freq = ((QString::number(tmpfreq).toDouble())/1000);
00140     }
00141     kdDebug("XMMS sensor") << title << endl;
00142     if(channel == 1){
00143       monoster = "mono";
00144     }
00145     else if(channel == 2){
00146       monoster = "stereo";
00147     }
00148     else{
00149       monoster = "nosound";
00150     }
00151     songLength = xmms_remote_get_playlist_time( 0, pos );
00152     if(EnableCover){
00153       slotGetCover( tags );
00154     }
00155     tags = 0;
00156 #endif // HAVE_XMMS
00157 }
00159 QString XMMSSensor::setCover(int w, int h, QString cover){
00160   fp = locateLocal("tmp", "cover.png");
00161   QImage img;
00162   QImage tmpimg;
00163   img.load(cover);
00164   if(img.width() >= w || img.height() >= h){ //scale image if necessary
00165     tmpimg = img.smoothScale(h, w, QImage::ScaleMin);
00166, "PNG", 0);
00167     img.reset();
00168     tmpimg.reset();
00169   }
00170   else{
00171     fp = cover;
00172   }
00173   return fp;
00174 }
00176 void XMMSSensor::slotGetCover( Tags* tags ){
00177   bool id3c = false;
00178   if(tags->isMP3() && EnableID3C){ // Check if file is an mp3
00179     QImage img = tags->cover;
00180     if(tags->haveCover){
00181         QImage img = tags->cover;
00182         QImage tmpimg;
00183         if(img.width() >= w || img.height() >= h){ //scale image if necessary
00184         tmpimg = img.scale(h, w, QImage::ScaleMin);
00185         }
00186, "PNG", 0);
00187 locateLocal("tmp", "rcover.png"), "PNG", 0);
00188         img.reset();
00189         tmpimg.reset();
00190         cover = locateLocal("tmp", "cover.png");
00191         rcover = locateLocal("tmp", "rcover.png");
00192         id3c = true;
00193     }
00194   }
00195   if(!id3c){ // File is not an mp3 or don't have id3 PICTURE field
00196     QUrl url(file); //make QUrl from QString
00197     dir = url.dirPath (); //resolve the absolute path
00198     if(QFile::exists(dir + "/cover.png")){
00199       rcover = dir + "/cover.png";
00200       cover = setCover(w, h, rcover);
00201     }
00202     else if(QFile::exists(dir + "/cover.jpg")){
00203       rcover = dir + "/cover.jpg";
00204       cover = setCover(w, h, rcover);
00205     }
00206     else if(QFile::exists(dir + "/cover.jpeg")){
00207       rcover = dir + "/cover.jpeg";
00208       cover = setCover(w, h, rcover);
00209     }
00210     else if(QFile::exists(locateLocal("data", "karamba/covers/"+artist+" - "+album+".jpg"))){
00211       rcover = locateLocal("data", "karamba/covers/"+artist+" - "+album+".jpg");
00212       cover = setCover(w, h, rcover);
00213     }
00214     else if(NetCover){ //check if config allow cover download and if dir is writable
00215       if(QFileInfo(dir).isWritable()){
00216         if(darkcover(dir + "/cover.jpg", tags)){
00217           rcover = dir + "/cover.jpg";
00218           cover = setCover(w, h, rcover);
00219         }
00220       }
00221       else{
00222          if(darkcover(locateLocal("data", "karamba/covers/"+artist+" - "+album+".jpg"), tags)){
00223           rcover = locateLocal("data", "karamba/covers/"+artist+" - "+album+".jpg");
00224           cover = setCover(w, h, rcover);
00225         }
00226      }
00227     }
00228     if(cover == ""){
00229       rcover = "pics/nocover.png";
00230       cover = "pics/nocover.png";
00231     }
00232   }
00233 }
00235 bool XMMSSensor::darkcover(QString out, Tags* tags){
00236   kdDebug("Tags") << "Searching cover on" << endl;
00237   QString ar = (artist.lower()).replace(" ", "_");
00238   QString al = (album.lower()).replace(" ", "_");
00239   QString l = ar.left(1);
00240   //QString out = dir+"/cover.jpg";
00241   QString mime = "";
00242   KURL u1(""+l+"/"+ar+"_-_"+al+"_a.jpg");
00243   mime = KIO::NetAccess::mimetype( u1, NULL );
00244   if( mime == "image/jpeg" ){
00245     kdDebug("Tags") << "Cover found, downloading" << endl;
00246     return KIO::NetAccess::download( u1, out, NULL );
00247   }
00248   else{
00249     KURL u2(""+l+"/"+ar+"_"+al+"_a.jpg");
00250     mime = KIO::NetAccess::mimetype( u2, NULL );
00251     if( mime == "image/jpeg" ){
00252       kdDebug("Tags") << "Cover found, downloading" << endl;
00253       return KIO::NetAccess::download( u2, out, NULL );
00254     }
00255     else{
00256       QString ar = (tags->upFirst(artist.lower())).replace(" ", "_");
00257       QString al = (tags->upFirst(album.lower())).replace(" ", "_");
00258       KURL u3(""+l+"/"+ar+"_"+al+"_a.jpg");
00259       mime = KIO::NetAccess::mimetype( u3, NULL );
00260       if( mime == "image/jpeg" ){
00261         kdDebug("Tags") << "Cover found, downloading" << endl;
00262         return KIO::NetAccess::download( u3, out, NULL );
00263       }
00264       else{
00265         kdDebug("Tags") << "Cover not found" << endl;
00266         return false;
00267       }
00268     }
00269   }
00270 }
00272 void XMMSSensor::slotGetPos(){
00273   pos = xmms_remote_get_playlist_pos(0);
00274   if(pos != current && pos != 0){
00275     current = pos;
00276     emit songChange();
00277   }
00278 }
00280 void XMMSSensor::update(){
00281   QString format;
00282   QString imgsize;
00283   SensorParams *sp;
00284   Meter *meter;
00285   QObjectListIt it( *objList );
00286 #ifdef HAVE_XMMS
00287   bool isRunning = xmms_remote_is_running(0);
00288   bool isPlaying = false;
00289   if( isRunning ){
00290     if( xmms_remote_is_main_win(0)){
00291       if( HideMainWin ){
00292         kdDebug("XMMS sensor") << "Hide XMMS main window" << endl;
00293         xmms_remote_main_win_toggle(0, false);
00294       }
00295     }
00296     else{
00297       if( !HideMainWin ){
00298         kdDebug("XMMS sensor") << "Show XMMS main window" << endl;
00299         xmms_remote_main_win_toggle(0, true);
00300       }
00301     }
00302     slotGetPos();
00303     isPlaying = xmms_remote_is_playing(0) || xmms_remote_is_paused(0);
00304     if(isPlaying){
00305       currentTime = xmms_remote_get_output_time( 0 );
00306     }
00307     else{
00308       currentTime = 0;
00309     }
00310   }
00311 #endif // HAVE_XMMS
00312   while (it != 0){
00313     sp = (SensorParams*)(*it);
00314     meter = sp->getMeter();
00315 #ifdef HAVE_XMMS
00316     if( isRunning ){
00317       format = sp->getParam("FORMAT");
00318       if (format.length() == 0 ){
00319           format = "%title %time / %length";
00320       }
00321       if( format == "%ms" ){
00322           meter->setMax( songLength );
00323           meter->setValue( currentTime );
00324       }
00325       else{
00326         if ( format == "%full" ){
00327             meter->setValue( 1 );
00328         }
00329         else{
00330           if(format.contains("%file")){
00331             format.replace( "%file", KURL(file).url() );
00332           }
00333           if(format.contains("%title")){
00334             format.replace( "%title", title );
00335           }
00336           if(EnableCover && format.contains("%cover")){
00337             format.replace( "%cover", cover );
00338           }
00339           if(EnableCover && format.contains("%viewer")){
00340             format.replace( "%viewer", Viewer );
00341           }
00342           if(EnableCover && format.contains("%rcover")){
00343             format.replace( "%rcover", rcover );
00344           }
00345           if(format.contains("%stitle")){
00346             format.replace( "%stitle", stitle );
00347           }
00348           if(format.contains("%artist")){
00349             format.replace( "%artist", artist );
00350           }
00351           if(format.contains("%album")){
00352             format.replace( "%album", album );
00353           }
00354           if(format.contains("%track")){
00355             format.replace( "%track", track );
00356           }
00357           if(format.contains("%rate")){
00358             format.replace( "%rate", QString::number(rate/1000) );
00359           }
00360           if(format.contains("%freq")){
00361             format.replace( "%freq", QString::number(freq) );
00362           }
00363           if(format.contains("%channel")){
00364           format.replace( "%channel", QString::number(channel) );
00365           }
00366           if(format.contains("%monoster")){
00367           format.replace( "%monoster", monoster );
00368           }
00369           if( format.contains("%runquit") ){
00370             format.replace("%runquit", "exit");
00371             meter->setValue( "exit" );
00372           }
00373           if(format == "%onoff"){
00374             format.replace( "%onoff", "xmms-shell -e xmmsexit" );
00375           }
00376           if(format == "%pref"){
00377             format.replace( "%pref", "xmms-shell -e preferences" );
00378           }
00379           if(format == "%play"){
00380             format.replace( "%play", "xmms-shell -e play" );
00381           }
00382           if(format == "%pause"){
00383             format.replace( "%pause", "xmms-shell -e pause" );
00384           }
00385           if(format == "%stop"){
00386             format.replace( "%stop", "xmms-shell -e stop" );
00387           }
00388           if(format == "%next"){
00389             format.replace( "%next", "xmms-shell -e next" );
00390           }
00391           if(format == "%prev"){
00392             format.replace( "%prev", "xmms-shell -e previous" );
00393           }
00394           if(format == "%volup"){
00395             format.replace( "%volup", "xmms-shell -e +" );
00396           }
00397           if(format == "%voldown"){
00398             format.replace( "%voldown", "xmms-shell -e -" );
00399           }
00400           if(format.contains("%vol")){
00401             vol = xmms_remote_get_main_volume( 0 );
00402             format.replace( "%vol", QString::number(vol) );
00403           }
00404           if(format.contains("%list")){
00405             if(xmms_remote_is_pl_win(0)){
00406               format.replace( "%list", "xmms-shell -e 'window playlist hide'" );
00407             }
00408             else{
00409               format.replace( "%list", "xmms-shell -e 'window playlist show'" );
00410             }
00411           }
00412           if(format.contains("%length")){
00413             format.replace( "%length", QTime( 0,0,0 ).addMSecs( songLength ).toString( "h:mm:ss" ) );
00414           }
00415           if(format.contains("%time")){
00416             format.replace( "%time", QTime( 0,0,0 ).addMSecs( currentTime ).toString( "h:mm:ss" ) );
00417           }
00418           if(isPlaying && format.contains("%remain")){
00419               format.replace( "%remain", QTime( 0,0,0 ).addMSecs( songLength ).addMSecs(-currentTime ).toString( "h:mm:ss" ) );
00420           }
00421           else if(format.contains("%remain")){
00422               format.replace( "%remain", QTime( 0,0,0 ).toString("h:mm:ss" ) );
00423           }
00424           meter->setValue(format);
00425         }
00426       }
00427     }
00428     else{
00429       format = sp->getParam("FORMAT");
00430       if(format == "%onoff"){
00431         format.replace( "%onoff", "xmms" );
00432         meter->setValue(format);
00433       }
00434       else if(format == "%title"){
00435         format.replace( "%title", "Karamba XMMS Sensor" );
00436         meter->setValue(format);
00437       }
00438       else if(format == "%cover" && EnableCover){
00439         format.replace( "%cover", "pics/nocover.png" );
00440         meter->setValue(format);
00441       }
00442       else if( format.contains("%runquit") ){
00443         format.replace("%runquit", "launch");
00444         meter->setValue(format);
00445       }
00446       else{
00447         meter->setValue("");
00448       }
00449     }
00450 #endif // HAVE_XMMS
00451     ++it;
00452   }
00453   delete it;
00454   format = "";
00455 }
00457 void XMMSSensor::setMaxValue( SensorParams *sp){
00458     Meter *meter;
00459     meter = sp->getMeter();
00460     QString f;
00461     f = sp->getParam("FORMAT");
00463     if ( f == "%full" ){
00464         meter->setMax( 1 );
00465     }
00466 }
00468 void XMMSSensor::setKaramba(karamba* k)
00469 {
00470         myKaramba = k;
00471 }
00473 void XMMSSensor::slotLoadConfig( ){
00474     KSimpleConfig conf("karambarc",true);
00475     conf.setGroup("karamba");
00476     Viewer =  conf.readEntry("ImgViewer", "kuickshow");
00477     conf.setGroup("XMMS");
00478     HideMainWin = conf.readBoolEntry("HideMainWin",false);
00479     EnableCover = conf.readBoolEntry("EnableCover",false);
00480     EnableID3 = conf.readBoolEntry("EnableId3",false);
00481     SaveID3 = conf.readBoolEntry("SaveId3",false);
00482     EnableCover = conf.readBoolEntry("EnableCover",false);
00483     EnableID3C = conf.readBoolEntry("EnableId3Cover",false);
00484     NetCover = conf.readBoolEntry("EnableNetCover",false);
00485     defH = conf.readNumEntry("CoverHeight",64);
00486     defW = conf.readNumEntry("CoverWidth",64);
00487 }

Generated on Mon May 16 13:59:20 2005 for karamba by  doxygen